Please Don't Go
Next only to a mother, the best proponents of unconditional love are domesticated animals. They shower endless love and adoration for the smallest act from our end, be it providing food and water or just being with them. While a lot of us might have lost faith in humankind, they remain resilient, placing infinite faith in humans even in hostile situations!.
“Please Don’t Go” is a plea from every voiceless creation to each of us, not to abandon them, ever!
Memories in Raindrops
They say raindrops have as much a soul as we do. What if raindrops are your ancestors or loved ones that have departed, and that long to get a glimpse of you for that millisecond, as they land on the ground, before becoming one with nature? What if they want to touch you, be with you, albeit for that ephemeral instance? The song depicts one such relationship between partners, their endless love for one another, till death does them apart

Known to his family and friends as Ajit Padmanabh, World Void Web believes he never got into music, rather, music got into him.
World Void Web is a self-taught musician and a proud Bangalorean, extremely passionate about music and imbibes the beauty of instrumental music. He calls it Voiceless Emoting.
He offers a variety of music genres & strives to make melodies that'll fascinate you forever. He is always looking for new sounds, new beginnings.

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